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119474: Brændstoffilter Disco 3 (21-01-2012 18:35:41)
Peter Struntze #2005, reg. ssj (medlem) (ip-adr:
Hej alvidende forum

Har lige lavet olieskift på min D3 og skulle også skifte brændstoffilter.
Men hvor er det gemt ?

Skal det luftes ud/fyldes op på samme måde som DII hvor jeg sætter tænding på X antal gange til det "lyder" rigtigt ?

119475: sv: Brændstoffilter Disco 3 (21-01-2012 18:40:35) (svar på 119474)
Paul Sehstedt #0027, reg. sjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:
Fandt dette svar på nettet:

hi there

Pollen filter - pull glove box down passed normal opening point - you will need to squeeze the stops in and then it will flip down.
Then you will see a long rectangular cover in front of you - unclip - slides to the left - and remove. You will see the white filter then.

Fuel filter is underneath the vehicle under the drivers floor side. -
Underneath the vehicle - remove the plastic cover which is just under the gearboc bell housing area - held on with six 10mm head bolts.
Once this is removed you will see the fuel filter tucked in the corner close to drivers sill behind fuel tank. - its mounted on top of the gearbox support crossmember.
The Fuel filter - twists off and then pulls down. ( dont forget to disconnect the water in the fuel sensor ) .

There is a drain on the fuel filter - but it does not work very well as it air locks. So you may as well replace the filter. I strongly advise is - as we have been having problems wit h these filters clogging and restricting fuel flow. the service interval between changes is too long in my view.

you have not asked but - i will add it anyways. - the oil filter is under the engine cover - in centre of engine. 32mm socket required to remove and refit.

hope that helps

kind regards

Read more: Hello, LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 3 2.7 td v6 HSE.year2007. Could - JustAnswer http://www.justanswer.com/uk-car/2b2ai-hello-land-rover-discovery-2-7-td-v6-hse-year2007-could.html#ixzz1k7E3zSw9
119476: sv: Brændstoffilter Disco 3 (21-01-2012 18:44:02) (svar på 119474)
Per Glerup Nielsen #0909, reg. ssj (medlem) (ip-adr:
Hej, det sidder i h side på rammen halvt oppe i motorrummet, ca midt for forhjulet, det skal tages nedefra, gemt bag et skjold, det er samme fremgangsmåde med udluftning som på 2eren.

God arbejdslyst ;-)

119489: sv: sv: Brændstoffilter Disco 3 (22-01-2012 11:43:49) (svar på 119476)
Stefan Molzen #3412, reg. nsj (medlem) (ip-adr:
Eller længere tilbage over bundplade. Der er to typer