
Land Rover Forum  

159797: Info vedr. Pomerania nr. 46 (16-08-2018 20:57:20)
Steen Larsen #411, reg. øsj (medlem) (ip-adr:
Jeg har fået følgende info fra Joanna i Polen vedr. det 46. Pomerania i begyndelsen af oktober:

Feel invited to the 46th edition of Pomerania Trophy/Rescue 5-7 October 2018

We have prepared for you around 300 km of an off-road route. One-stage drive with the option to stop for the night on the route or return to the base. Some sleeping places awarded with points.

Due to the topography and type of terrain, three sections are distinguished on the route:
S?awoborskie Mountains Mountain route and trails. Hard surface, downhill drives, uphill drives, traverses. Wet sections of the route.
Drawski Training Ground Mostly sandy route and trails. Several (9) river crossings with a varying depth (from 0.3 to 1.6 m) and various bottom types.
Kamienny Most (Stone Bridge) Clay soil in the case of rainy weather may be a bit more of a challenge ;)

We have also prepared for you:
260 SPK Foto/Photo checkpoints located along the route and on some trails.
50 SPK GPS Foto/Photo checkpoints for independent off-roading (choice of the off-road route/access route to SPK according to the decision/choice of the crew)
10–14* trails with ropes and referee’s rating, several dozen stamps and also some SPK Foto/Photo checkpoints
12–16* Special Tasks. Various types of fitness and control tasks such as: paramedic tasks, rope techniques, water tasks, etc.

FEEL FREE to join us as there are still a dozen or so free places

* number depending on weather conditions on the competition day

For more information and booking please contact:
Land Rover Club PL
Joanna Zbrog
e.mail: lrcpl@onet.pl

Med venlig hilsen

Steen Larsen 0411