
Land Rover Forum  

66059: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (09-07-2008 18:20:31)
Steen Larsen #0411, reg. øsj (medlem) (ip-adr:

Hermed lidt information om Pomerania.

XXVI Pomerania 26th edition of ‘Pomerania’ – Off-Road Orienteering Adventures.
Time of the event : 10 - 12 October 2008

Area of event: North-Western Poland / in the Drawsko Pomorskie area /
The base of event will shown later
Registration of participants on 09.10.2008 between 5.00 - 12.00 p.m., and 10.10 .2008 from 6.30 to 9.30 a.m.
Beginning / start to the route / - 10.10 .2008: from 7.00 am to 10.00 am;

The end of the event and closing ceremony – 12.10. 2008. approx. 11.00 am. in Pomerania base.
Starting groups: - two options:
1. ‘VIP’ group – for the veterans of ‘Pomerania’ and teams who do not want to take part in the competition, but wont drive by the route, collect the points and do the tasks.
2. Adventure group - Everybody else
Classification is organised for Adventure group.

Short description of XXVI Pomerania:
As it was in case of the previous edition, XXVI Pomerania is going to be a simulation of an expedition. That means, the whole route has to be covered continuously with nights spent on the way.
The competitors drive according to road book, occasionally a map, and indicated routes. On the route you will have to tackle a range of:
ST special tasks (e.g. water tasks, applying rope techniques, bridge, swamp crossing, etc.) that will
be assessed by a referee
check points – code numbers hidden on the route that you have to spot
OS special sections – voluntary, for more experienced participants, assessed by a referee; on some of
them your time will be measured.
The route in total is ca 300 km long. The time and the distance results of the drive does not have a significant influence on classification. It is how many points you collect, not how fast you go that counts!
Minimal off road equipment:
For all: off road tires, towline, shackles, shovel.
Adventure group: besides the above the recommended equipment consists of: Hi Lift jack, sand plates / ladders and obligatorily a winch!
We recommend you have your own camping, climbing and water equipment – it will earn special bonus for your team.
All vehicles must be registered and insured.
Accommodation: camping site / own camp equipment is necessary / or on request in the guest house or cabin.
Food: self catering.
Price of participation: 1100 PLN per car / crew max. 3 persons / Payment in PLN or equivalent in euro.
Our fee does not include your accommodation in the guests house, cabin and hotel, meals and vehicle costs.

Booking is necessary, the closing date is 25.09.2008
For more details and booking please contact:
Joanna Zbróg
Land Rover Club Poland
e-mail: lrcpl@onet.pl

Our events are organized for all types of 4x4 vehicles.
All routes we use are legal, and researched by us.
Participants are entirely responsible for their vehicles and personal effects whilst on the event.
Organizer will be exempt from all liability in respect of loss, damage, sickness, injury or death howsoever caused occurring to persons or vehicles whilst on the event.

As a guide, these are the average costs of hotels, meals and fuel:
Hotel : from 70PLN to 280 PLN p.p.d
Meals: breakfast - 40 PLN
lunch - 40 PLN
dinner - 100 PLN
fuel: un lead petrol – 4.95PLN/1litre
diesel – 4.80PLN/1litre
LPG – 2.30 PLN/1litre

Warm greetings to all past and future participants of ‘Pomerania’.
As everything in the world, ‘Pomerania’ also evolves – sometimes the changes are so slight that they go practically unnoticed, but sometimes they need to be quite substantial. We are presently in such a situation, when ‘Pomerania’ has nearly 70 teams. Out of all that number only 3 or 4 vehicles come to ‘Pomerania’ without a winch. Consequently, our existing division of starting groups (with and without winch) is no longer applicable.
Thus, starting with XXIV ‘Pomerania’, the classification of starting groups will be modified.
We introduce the ‘VIP’ group – for the veterans of ‘Pomerania’ and teams who do not want to take part in the competition, but want to collect the points and do the tasks. The teams will be appointed to starting in the VIP group on their request at the discretion of the organiser.
Everybody else will start in the Adventure group.
In order to ensure fair chances to everybody, we introduce a bonus system at the start, and so:
Vehicles without winches – group AS – start with 6000 points.
Factory vehicles* – group AA – 5000 points.
Modified vehicles** – group AE – no starting bonus.
* Factory vehicle
Allowed alternations: raised suspension, raised chassis, bull-bar, shields, winches (any type and amount), tyres up to 32 in (except where bigger by factory default, e.g.: Volvo, LR 110, etc.)
In case of any dispute the organiser’s decision is final.
** Modified vehicle
Any rebuilt chassis (removed elements), non-factory chassis, tyres above 32 in (except where bigger by factory default, e.g.: Volvo, LR 110, etc.). Vehicles such as Tomcat, Scorpion, Dakar, etc.; rebuilt, non-factory vehicles.
In case of any dispute the organiser’s decision is final.
Groups VIP, AA and AE will be able to enter all the special sections (OS), group AS – only some of them. All special tasks will be accessible for all the groups.
There will be one route for all the groups with some sections omitted by the AS group. As always, no special sections or special tasks will be mandatory for any of the participants.

We also have to considerably raise the profile of the issue of environment protection. Consequently we will be more severe towards participants who damage the area (e.g. scratch the tree trunks) due to their negligence and carelessness. Improperly fastening winch ropes that leads to damage to trees will be punished, possibly even by disqualification. The same will be true for driving on cultivated fields, and outside the road book.

We appreciate that in a difficult terrain, a vehicle may slip, which may lead to tree scratching. Such cases, of course will be taken into consideration, but we will not tolerate deliberate carelessness. Our staff is experienced enough to appropriately assess an incident.

As the popularity of ‘Pomerania’ increases we need more staff, and the costs of environmental repairs rise. Consequently, we are reluctantly obliged to announce a small increase in the price of ‘Pomerania’, which is now 300€ ( or the equivalent in PLN ) The price covers the participation of one vehicle with up to 3 people on board. If you wish to bring more people, you need to discuss this option with the organizer while booking your place in ‘Pomerania’.

Best regards,
Joanna & Norbert Zbróg
66083: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (10-07-2008 00:01:24) (svar på 66059)
Rune Jakobsen (medlemsstatus ukendt) (ip-adr:
Jeg har tilmeldt min gamle 109" ex. milli. med den overbevisning at den ikke skal gå af dage uden at have kørt et 300km offroad orienteringsløb.

Så må vi jo se om den klarer det.

Er der nogen der har erfaringer med tidligere løb?

Håber man kan få lov at krybe udenom de værste forhindringer såsom bundløse moser og lignende.

Håber at se nogle flere fra klubben dernede.

Rune Jakobsen
Reg. østj.
66090: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (10-07-2008 07:10:07) (svar på 66083)
Stephan Svensson #7498, reg. ssj (medlem) (ip-adr:
pomerani xxv havde en rute bog, som man skulle følge, og hvis man forlod ruten, kunne man godt få nogle besværligheder med at komme tilbage på den. Nogle prøver ligger på ruten, og derved kan de ikke undgås.

Du kan bare ringe hvis du vil have en mere nøjagtigt udlægning :D


66214: sv: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (12-07-2008 19:23:49) (svar på 66090)
Jesper Højer Petersen #5437, reg. l-f (medlem) (ip-adr:
Hej Rune.

Jeg var med for første gang i maj i år, og det et det fedeste jeg har oplevet sammen med min disco, hvis forhindringen så for farlig ud så kørte vi bare uden eller ventede til vi så nogen komme forbi og lod dem kører igennem først.. Vi skulle jo også helt hjem igen om søndagen...

God tur, vi skal også derned igen til Oktober..

66223: sv: sv: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (12-07-2008 20:52:42) (svar på 66214)
Claus Jørgensen #4096, reg. sjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:
Det kunne være vildt fedt at kome afsted, men det bliver ikke i år..Men prøves det skal det......

Der prøver at finde på en undskyldning for at beholde min V8'er og forvandle den til en MUDWRESTLER.....Jeg skal finde ud af hvordan jeg får min bedere halvdel til at synes at ideén er lige så som jeg synes..
66230: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (12-07-2008 22:19:10) (svar på 66083)
Morten From Søndergaard #5494, reg. øjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:

Jeg skal afsted for 4. gang i år. Ruten køres efter roadbook, så en nøjagtig triptæller er et must, f.eks. en terratrip.

De værste passager er typisk lagt som specialprøver, men jeg ville ikke tage afsted uden et spil, da vi alle de 3 foregående år har måtte bruge spil for at følge roadbook'en. Det meste af ruten ligner dog mest greenlaning.

Hvis du dukker op til nogle af arrangementerne i reg. østjylland er der sikkert nogle der kan fortælle mere, da Jørgen, Søren og Jakob fra regionsledelsen har været afsted før.

68043: sv: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (18-08-2008 11:24:51) (svar på 66230)
Rune Jakobsen (medlemsstatus ukendt) (ip-adr:
Terra Trip?? ja dem har jeg set, men hvad bruger man dem til? Kan man ikke bruge en gps istedet??

Hvordan kommer i derned?

Har undersøgt færge fra rødby, troede der sejlede en til Swinusje, men desværre, den sejler fra KBH og koster en krig.

Rune Jakobsen
Reg. østj
68052: sv: sv: sv: sv: Pomerania den 10. - 12. oktober 2008 (18-08-2008 14:48:46) (svar på 68043)
Morten From Søndergaard #5494, reg. øjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:

Terra-Trip'en bruger man til at finde vej :-) man kan også bruge en GPS hvis den har en triptæller med en opløsning på 10 meter eller bedre og den er nem og hurtig at nulstille. Det kan nemt være 300 gange i løbet af den første dag, der skal nulstilles.

Vi kører derned og vi plejer også at køre hjem, vi har dog overvejet at sejle til KBH når vi skal hjem.

