
Land Rover Forum  

67873: dæk til disco 1 (13-08-2008 09:39:13)
Ole Rud Knudsen #6027, reg. mjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:
Jeg skal ha ny dæk
Passer 235/85/16 på bilen?
venlig hilsen Ole
67891: sv: dæk til disco 1 (13-08-2008 19:14:51) (svar på 67873)
Claus Nørgaard #7860, reg. øsj (medlem) (ip-adr:
Det ser ud til at du skal "trimme" kanter med 235/85-16.
Tillader mig at citere fra http://www.discoweb.org/


235/70-16: Stock tire size.

205/80-16: Stock size in many other countries. same height as 235/70-16.

255/65-16: same height as stock

225/75-16: little taller than stock

245/70-16: little taller and wider than the stock size. reportedly, no need for lift, just minor trimming to fit those tires.

245/75-16: popular size for OME suspension lifted vehicles. require slight trimming on the rear wheel well fender, and may also call for adjustment on the steering bumpstops.

215/85-16: same height as 245/75-16. but narrower. seems to be preferred for the snow and mud.

265/70-16: about as tall as 245/75-16, but wider. will require more trimming and steering bump stops adjustments along with taller bump stops over the rear axle.

265/75-16: almost 32" tall. Same as stock NAS D90 tires. Will require even more trimming.

235/85-16: same height as 265/75-16 but narrower. And seems to be the most popular size with OME lift.

255/85-16: about 33" tall...very few people have fitted this size. Lots of butchering for this one.

285/75-16: about 33" also... but very very wide.

67924: sv: sv: dæk til disco 1 (14-08-2008 15:49:48) (svar på 67891)
Ole Rud Knudsen #6027, reg. mjyl (medlem) (ip-adr:
tak for det!