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Pomerania nr. 33 fra 27. april til 29. april 2012 (10-03-2012 11:01:37)
Steen Larsen #0411, reg. øsj
Hej venner

Husk at booke Jer til Pomarania nr. 33, fra den 27. april til 29. april
Her er lidt information.

Med venlig hilsen

Steen Larsen 0411

XXXIII Pomerania 33 rd edition of
Off Road Pomeranian Orientation Adventures.
27 - 29. 04. 2012




On 06. 04. 2012 quantity of free starts numbers:

Dear Friends and Participants of Pomerania.

Please get acquainted with them:
1. Group „A2” is canceled and vehicles, which meet current requirements to be in group „A2”, will be assigned to new group „S” SPORT (for purpose-built vehicles). Group „SPORT” (former A 2) is classified separately. The first and second place shall be awarded with bonuses.

2. Group „A” „ADVENTURE” is available for vehicles which meet current requirements for group „A 1”. This group is classified separately. The first and second place shall be awarded with bonuses.

3. Group „T” Tourist is available for vehicles which meet current requirements for group „T”. This group shall be classified separately, together with group „L”. The first and second place shall be awarded with bonuses.

4. It will be established a new group „L” „LEKKA” for any vehicle with a maximum authorized mass of 4 tons and with any size of tyre. Vehicles from group „L” move on specific routes and can participate in all Special Task. Vehicles from group „L” can’t accomplish any special stages. Vehicles from group „L” are classified together with group „T”

5. It is forbidden to use tyres, type „fir” >>>> (tractor)

6. It will be applied a conversion factor of team’s results, which means, that all points achieved by a team are divided by the number of members of a team (not applicable for children up to 16 years old) Example: it is achieved 20 000 from the task. Team of two gets finally 10 000 points. Team of 4 receives 5 000 points.

7. It is established a new fee of 50 PLN for each additional (more than two) member of a team. It is not applicable for children up to 16 years old.

With kindest regards and see you during the next edition of Pomerania.


Area of the event: North-West Poland / in the Drawsko Pomorskie area /


33nd edition of ‘Pomerania’ – Off-Road Orienteering Adventures.
Time of the event : 27 - 29. 04 2012

Area of the event: North-Western Poland / in Drawsko Pomorskie area /
The base of the event: Drawsko Pomorskie area

Starting groups:
1. T group – touristic group for all factory vehicles with original body /acceptable of cutting mudguards and missing original bumpers / equipped with wheels in size to 32 inches inclusive.
Requirement 32 inches doesn't concern: Land Rover 130, Land Rover 101, Volvo, Pinzgauer and other with wheel size more than 32 inches as a factory dimension
2. L group - for any vehicle with a maximum authorized mass of 4 tons and with any size of tyres.
3. A group: all kind of vehicles with factory body but on wheels size more than 32 inches.
4. S group: Any rebuilt vehicles, non - factory body, non-factory chassis, and with any size of tyres and vehicles such as Tomcat, Scorpion, Dakar, etc.
In case of any dispute the organiser’s decision is final.
Classification is organised separately for A, S and T + L group.
Short description of 33 Pomerania:
As it was in case of the previous edition, 31 Pomerania is going to be a simulation of an expedition. That means, the whole route has to be covered continuously with nights spent on the way.
The competitors drive according to road book, occasionally a map, and indicated routes. On the route you will have to tackle a range of:
ST special tasks - (e.g. water tasks, applying rope techniques, bridge, swamp crossing, etc.) that will
be assessed by a referee for all.
PK, SPK check points – code numbers hidden on the route that you have to spot for all.
OS special sections – voluntary, for more experienced participants, assessed by a referee; on some of
them your time will be measured. For L group - forbiden.
The route in total is ca 300 km long. The time and the distance results of the drive does not have a significant influence on classification
It is how many points you collect, not how fast you go that counts!
Minimal off road equipment:
For all: off road tires, towline, shackles, shovel.
A and S group: besides the above the recommended equipment consists of: Hi Lift jack, sand plates / ladders and obligatorily a winch!
We recommend you have your own camping, climbing and water equipment – it will earn special bonus for your team.
All vehicles must be registered and insured.
Accommodation: camping site / own camp equipment is necessary / or on request in the guest house or cabin.
Food: self catering.

Booking is necessary.
For more details and booking please contact:
Joanna Zbróg
Land Rover Club Poland

Our events are organized for all types of 4x4 vehicles. All routes we use are legal, and researched by us.
Participants are entirely responsible for their vehicles and personal effects whilst on the event.
Organizer will be exempt from all liability in respect of loss, damage, sickness, injury or death howsoever caused occurring to persons or vehicles whilst on the event.

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