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sv: sv: EKA kode Defender TD5 (18-04-2012 20:28:43)
Carsten Pedersen
Og her er så EKA kode processen, den virker efter hensigten, hvis du ellers har den rigtige kode.

1. Remove the handset from the key ring and keep the handset well away from the starter switch when entering the code.

2. From inside the vehicle, with the driver’s door closed, immediately insert the key into the starter switch and turn to position ‘II’. Hold this position until the alarm sounds, then switch off and open and close the driver’s door.

3. Turn the starter switch to position ‘II’ the required number of times to enter the first digit of the code (if the first digit is 4, turn the key to position ‘II’ and then back to ‘0’ four times).

4. Open and close the driver’s door (this will enter the first digit of the code).

5. Turn the starter switch to position ‘II’ and back to ‘0’ the required number of times to enter the SECOND digit of the code.

6. Open and close the driver’s door again.

7. Turn the starter switch to position ‘II’ and back to ‘0’ the required number of times to enter the THIRD digit of the code.

8. Open and close the driver’s door again.

9. Turn the starter switch to position ‘II’ and back to ‘0’ the required number of times to enter the FOURTH digit of the code.

10. Finally, open and close the driver’s door one more time.

If the code has been entered correctly, the anti-theft indicator light will extinguish, the alarm will stop sounding and the engine can be

If an incorrect code has been entered:
If the code is entered incorrectly, the alarm sounder will sound twice, the anti-theft indicator light will continue to illuminate, and
the engine will fail to start. Before entering the code again, turn the starter switch to position ‘II’ and hold in this position for 5 seconds.

After three failed entry attempts, the security system invokes a delay period of 30 minutes during which the system will not accept any
further attempts to enter a code.

Du skal nok ikke gøre dette efter normal sengetid, hvis du vil have et rimeligt forhold til dine naboer - hornet larmer en del.

Hilsen Carsten
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