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sv: Luftundervogn P38 (26-04-2012 17:26:25)
Carsten Pedersen
Lidt løsninger fundet på nettet :-)
Getting Rid of EAS Fault Messages
If you convert to coil springs, the EAS system will get confused and constantly issue "EAS Fault" messages accompanied by annoying beeps. The different conversion kits have different methods of dealing with this problem, using proprietary electronic workarounds that fool the BeCM into thinking everything is fine. If your kit does not address this problem, or you do your own conversion, you can use the following home-grown method discovered by Dennis Altman. To clear the "EAS Fault, slow 35mph max" warning from the dash, put two jumpers on the connector to the ECU, one from pin 7 to pin 18 (ground ) and the other from pin 25 to pin 1 (+12v). (Note: As alert reader Robert Seccomb points out, the jumpers go on the back of the connector, under the shield, and the connector remains attached to the ECU). When you start up you will get a soft beep and short "EAS manual" message, then normal message center operation will resume. (This also work whenever you have the ECU disconnected - eg when in hard fault, waiting to get a reset and using manual operation).

Dave Paget from Gambia offers this alternative method: "I usually fit the BEARMACH spring conversion ... I have worked out that after you have fitted and welded the base plates to secure the springs, you can make a fairly minor modification to the wiring to get it to come up “EAS MANUAL”. What you do is open up the area around the BeCM then on the plug for the EAS, you cut the blue with white trace wire (pin 18) and the blue and grey wire (pin 9) from the plug. The blue and white wire is extended and fitted to the POSITIVE terminal at the front of the BeCM, ideally with a 5 amp in line fuse. The blue and grey wire is extended and joined to the NEGATIVE terminal at the rear of the BeCM. Tape up the wires that have been cut in the loom, to insulate them separately. Job done.
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