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Claus A. Kjøller #1105, reg. nsj
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TORX, developed by Textron Fastening Systems (formerly Camcar Textron), is the trademark for a type of screw head characterized by a 6-point star-shaped pattern (in the same way that slotted heads, Phillips, Hex, and Robertson have flat, ×-shaped, hexagonal, and square tips, respectively). People unfamiliar with the trademark generally use the term star, as in "star screwdriver" or "star bits". The generic name is hexalobular internal driving feature and is standardised by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 10664.

By design, TORX head screws resist cam-out better than Phillips head or slot head screws. Where Phillips heads were designed to cause the driver to cam out, to prevent over-tightening, TORX heads were designed to prevent it. The reason for this was the development of better torque-limiting automatic screwdrivers for use in factories. Rather than relying on the tool slipping out of the screw head when a torque level is reached, and thereby risking damage to the driver tip, screw head and workpiece, the drivers were designed to consistently achieve a desired torque. Textron claims this can increase tool bit life by ten times or more.

TORX screws are commonly found on automobiles, computer systems (T15 screws are used almost exclusively on Compaq systems) and consumer electronics, but are also becoming increasingly popular in construction. Do-it-yourself mechanics will often remove the TORX screws on a vehicle and replace them with more common screws and bolts such as hex head bolts, because it is easier to carry an adjustable wrench (or a set of hex sockets) to fit many different sizes of hex heads, rather than carrying several different sizes of TORX screwdrivers or bits. Another reason is that larger Torx bolts are more prone to stripped head when manually removed compare to same sized hex bolts

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