
Land Rover Forum  

163193: Nyt fra vores søster klub i Polen (13-05-2020 12:31:07)
Torben Schmidt Hansen (medlemsstatus ukendt) (ip-adr:
Nyt fra vores venner i Polen :
It is already mid-May. Still no one is able to say if and when Polish borders will be open and coming to Poland will be possible without fear of being quarantined. That is why we decided to change the date of 49th edition of our event to the last weekend of June, 26-28.06.2020. Of course, the event will take place on this date, provided that the borders will be open and you will can come to Poland and return home without problems. According to the latest announcement by the Polish government, the borders should be opened on June 12. We hope that this will happen.
We are sorry that we are once again changing the date of 49 Pomerania, but this situation does not depend from us.
Stay healthy.
Best regards
Joanna Zbrog